recip Module

This module is for functions and classes specific to reciprocal space calculations.


This module compute the reciprocal space (q) values from known HKL array for each pixel of the detector for all the images


hkl_arr : ndarray

(Qx, Qy, Qz) - HKL array shape is [num_images * num_rows * num_columns][3]


q_val : ndarray

Reciprocal values for each pixel for all images shape is [num_images * num_rows * num_columns]

skxray.recip.process_to_q(setting_angles, detector_size, pixel_size, calibrated_center, dist_sample, wavelength, ub, frame_mode=None)

This will compute the hkl values for all pixels in a shape specified by detector_size.


setting_angles : ndarray

six angles of all the images - Required shape is [num_images][6] and required type is something that can be cast to a 2D numpy array Angle order: delta, theta, chi, phi, mu, gamma (degrees)

detector_size : tuple

2 element tuple defining the number of pixels in the detector. Order is (num_columns, num_rows)

pixel_size : tuple

2 element tuple defining the size of each pixel in mm. Order is (column_pixel_size, row_pixel_size). If not in mm, must be in the same units as dist_sample

calibrated_center : tuple

2 element tuple defining the center of the detector in pixels. Order is (column_center, row_center)(x y)

dist_sample : float

distance from the sample to the detector (mm). If not in mm, must be in the same units as pixel_size

wavelength : float

wavelength of incident radiation (Angstroms)

ub : ndarray

UB matrix (orientation matrix) 3x3 matrix

frame_mode : str, optional

Frame mode defines the data collection mode and thus the desired output from this function. Defaults to hkl mode (frame_mode=4) ‘theta’ : Theta axis frame. ‘phi’ : Phi axis frame. ‘cart’ : Crystal cartesian frame. ‘hkl’ : Reciprocal lattice units frame. See the process_to_q.frame_mode attribute for an exact list of valid options.


hkl : ndarray

(Qx, Qy, Qz) - HKL values shape is [num_images * num_rows * num_columns][3]


Six angles of an image: (delta, theta, chi, phi, mu, gamma ) These axes are defined according to the following references.

References: text [R1], text [R2]

[R1]M. Lohmeier and E.Vlieg, “Angle calculations for a six-circle surface x-ray diffractometer,” J. Appl. Cryst., vol 26, pp 706-716, 1993.
[R2]E. Vlieg, “A (2+3)-Type surface diffractometer: Mergence of the z-axis and (2+2)-Type geometries,” J. Appl. Cryst., vol 31, pp 198-203, 1998.