This module is for functions and classes specific to reciprocal space calculations.
This module compute the reciprocal space (q) values from known HKL array for each pixel of the detector for all the images
Parameters: | hkl_arr : ndarray
Returns: | q_val : ndarray
This will compute the hkl values for all pixels in a shape specified by detector_size.
Parameters: | setting_angles : ndarray
detector_size : tuple
pixel_size : tuple
calibrated_center : tuple
dist_sample : float
wavelength : float
ub : ndarray
frame_mode : str, optional
Returns: | hkl : ndarray
Six angles of an image: (delta, theta, chi, phi, mu, gamma ) These axes are defined according to the following references.
References: text [R1], text [R2]
[R1] | M. Lohmeier and E.Vlieg, “Angle calculations for a six-circle surface x-ray diffractometer,” J. Appl. Cryst., vol 26, pp 706-716, 1993. |
[R2] | E. Vlieg, “A (2+3)-Type surface diffractometer: Mergence of the z-axis and (2+2)-Type geometries,” J. Appl. Cryst., vol 31, pp 198-203, 1998. |