.. _doc_doc: Documentation ============= This is documentation on how to build and add to our documentation. Fully documenting the library is of utmost important. It is more valuable to have fully documented library with fewer features than a feature-rich library no one can figure out how to use. Docstrings ---------- The docstrings must follow the `numpydoc `_ format. For the 'Returns' section of numpydoc, you must include the return variable name because this variable name is needed for automated vistrails wrapping (the return variable names are the output ports). **THESE MUST BE IN THE ORDER THAT THE FUNCTION RETURNS THEM IN** Example: :: Returns ------- avg : float The average stdev : float The standard deviation Sphinx ------ We are using `sphinx `_ to build the documentation. In addition to `sphinx` you will also need `numpydoc `_ installed and available. Both can be installed from pypi (:code:`pip install numpydoc` and :code:`pip install sphinx`). If you want to build a pdf version of the documentation you will also need LaTeX. To build the documentation locally, navigate to the `doc` folder and run :: make html The output website will then be in `_build/html/index.html` which you can open using any web-browser.