.. _installation: Installing scikit-xray ---------------------- For Python Novices ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Installation is simple on Windows, OSX, and Linux, even for Python novices. 1. Get Scientific Python """""""""""""""""""""""" To get started with Python on any platform, download and install `Anaconda `_. It comes with the common scientific Python packages built in. 2. Install scikit-xray """""""""""""""""""""" Open a command prompt. On Windows, you can use the "Anaconda Command Prompt" installed by Anaconda or Start > Applications > Command Prompt. On a Mac, look for Applications > Utilities > Terminal. Type these commands: .. code-block:: bash conda update conda conda install -c tacaswell scikit-xray The above installs scikit-xray and all its requirements. Our tutorials also use the IPython notebook. To install that as well, type .. code-block:: bash conda install ipython-notebook 3. Try it out! """""""""""""" Finally, to try it out, type .. code-block:: bash ipython notebook This will automatically open a browser tab, ready to interpret Python code. To get started, check out the links to tutorials at the top of this document. More Information for Experienced Python Users ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ We strongly recommend using conda install scikit-xray, as described above, but pip is also supported. Essential Dependencies: * python (both 2 and 3 are supported) * setuptools * numpy * scipy * six * xraylib * scikit-image * lmfit * netcdf4 .. code-block:: bash git clone https://github.com/Nikea/scikit-xray pip install -e scikit-xray Updating Your Installation -------------------------- The code is under active development. To update to the latest stable release, run this in the command prompt: .. code-block:: bash conda update -c tacaswell scikit-xray